Issue 86
Hi folks
The new owners of Perch plan to release Perch 4 by the end of June. I'm looking forward to this a lot! Most things will be in place now for this release (I would imagine) but you can still suggest ideas for future versions of Perch in a thread on the forum (link below). I'd encourage you to do so.
It's been a quiet month for me in terms of work but I have been busy posting a series of Perch CMS Tips on Twitter. I hope these are useful; they certainly remind me about things I can do with Perch!
See you next time.
Feuerwasser RangeSlider
A field type for displaying an Ion.RangeSlider-powered range slider.
From the Forum
Ideas and Suggestions for Perch 4
A thread for everyone to post suggestions and ideas for Perch 4 and beyond.
Site Examples
The Happy Huts
Built on Runway, using a bespoke booking app I created which handles the dates, customers, pricing etc. There's also a Twilio SMS alert which goes to each customer before their arrival date containing all the key information.
V7 Asset Management
Big hero images and a slick company site.
In The Docs
A brief piece of instructional text that will be displayed before the field appears.