Issue 72
Hi folks
It's been a busy few weeks collecting some fab links about Perch. And, I've even published a blog post on the Perchology site :-)
And, there have been some great discussions in the Perchology Slack group. Let me know if you want to join.
I worked from home (WFH) for a long time before joining a coworking space in recent years. So, coming back to a WFH routine hasn't been too difficult for me. I appreciate that not everyone is in this situation though and I hope that you are adapting to the coronavirus restrictions wherever you are.
Stay safe everyone.
Tips and Tricks
Perch Templating using Third Party Data
I’ve just finished integrating a third party real estate CRM on a client project. The CRM stores all of the properties and property info and they provide an API to pull in the data needed to generate the property listings and detail pages [in Perch].
A Perch:if Diet
Perch’s conditional tags is a powerful feature of its templating engine. Yet, you can in some cases replicate the outcome of perch:if
tags with tag attributes and write less code in the process.
A Global Block
Using Perch Blocks with layout includes means that you can give editors the ability to add global sections. The content can come from anywhere; a collection, a content region or an add-on like Perch Blog and Perch Shop.
Cognetif BlogPostSelect
Field type to select a blog post from the Perch Blog app and return a property.
RG Sheets
This app will allow you to import data from a Google sheet, into a specified Perch collection. The app uses Perch's scheduled tasks in order to import the data. This can be configured within the app.
Cognetif PageSelect
Field type to select a page from the page list and return a property.
How Do I
How to Add Next and Previous Blog Post Links with Perch
Use three queries to get data from the current post and next and previous posts in order to display Next and Previous post links.
Site Examples
Reflective Coaching
Reflective Coaching provides business coaching & personal development coaching services. We utilize a cutting edge approach called Reflective Questioning.